Should You Put Tequila in Your Freezer?

Today, we’re going to dive into the controversial topic of “freezing tequila” or as we should call it instead, Putting Tequila in your freezer. I know it’s a popular practice, and many of you might even have a bottle chilling in your freezer right now. But let’s take a moment to explore the reasoning behind this habit and whether it’s actually doing justice to our beloved agave spirit.

So, why do people freeze tequila?

Well, when you lower the temperature of a spirit like tequila, its viscosity increases, giving it a smoother texture. Imagine sipping on a vodka that has been luxuriating in the frosty depths of your freezer—it glides over your taste buds, coats your mouth, and provides a more pleasant drinking experience. The cold also tends to mellow the burn of harsher spirits like vodka, making them easier to enjoy.

Sounds great, right? But here’s the catch: as the temperature drops, so does the intensity of the aromas and flavors present in tequila. Now, this may not be an issue with vodka since it’s known for its neutrality, but tequila is a different beast altogether. It boasts beautiful aromas and natural flavors that can become muted if subjected to freezing temperatures for too long.

But I can already hear some of you saying, “But I love keeping my Casamigos in the freezer! It makes it so much easier to drink.” You’re not entirely wrong. If you have a low-quality tequila, putting tequila in your freezer it might indeed make it more palatable. Some producers cut corners and use additives, resulting in an inferior product with a synthetic vanilla or cotton candy taste. Freezing masks those unwanted flavors, making it easier to swallow.

However, when you come across a truly well-crafted tequila, it’s a different story.

Tequila, my friends, is an incredibly complex spirit, brimming with an array of tantalizing aromas and flavors. It is meant to be savored at room temperature, allowing you to experience the full spectrum of flavors that the master distillers intended when they created this liquid masterpiece.

Think about it—tequila comes from the agave plant, which takes years to reach maturity. It absorbs incredible flavors from its surroundings, including the terroir and the water source. All that time spent in the ground contributes to the unique character of the spirit. By freezing it, you’re essentially sacrificing those distinct flavors and missing out on the true essence of tequila.

Similar to adding ice cubes, putting tequila in your freezer dulls its flavors and aromas. While it may chill the spirit, it deprives you of the opportunity to savor its rich, robust, agave-forward taste. Unlike whiskey, tequila doesn’t need water to “open up.” It stands proud on its own, showcasing the plant that took years to cultivate. Why would you want to mask that?

But fear not, my fellow tequila enthusiasts! There’s a simple solution for those moments when you crave a quick, high-quality sip. Just reach for that bottle on your shelf, pour it into a glass, and enjoy it at room temperature. No fuss, no hassle—just pure tequila pleasure. Sometimes, all we need is to appreciate the spirit in its purest form, without diluting it or burying it in the freezer.

Now, I understand if you have a bottle of subpar tequila that needs a little help to go down smoothly. But for those who invest in sought-after, high-quality tequilas, ask yourself why you’re purchasing them

What is Mezcal?

Mezcal is one of the hottest spirits on the market right now. Its sometimes called the smoky and flavorful older brother of tequila.

What is Mezcal?

Mezcal is a distilled spirit made from the heart of the agave plant. Lets explore what Mezcal is, where it comes from, its history, and what it tastes like. While there are many varieties of Mezcal, this article aims to give a basic understanding of the spirit.

Mezcal is a term used to describe any spirit distilled from the fermentation and distillation of the heart of the agave plant. While tequila is made from a specific kind of agave plant, mezcal can be made from about 30 different varieties of agave species. The traditional way to produce Mezcal starts with the Jimadores. Who go out into the field and chop off the leaves of the agave plant. This leaves the heart of the agave plant, or the piña, which is then cooked to release the nectar inside. They are then fermented, and distilled.

How it is made

To cook the agave plant, a big pit is created in the ground. A layer of charcoal lava rocks, firewood, and charcoal is added and lit on fire. The piña is placed in the pit, covered with dirt and soil, and left to cook for several days. This gives Mezcal its traditional, earthy, and smoky flavor, as the smoke infuses the agave with its flavor. Once the piña is done cooking, it is crushed to extract the nectar. Traditionally this is done by hand with clubs and knives. Sometimes a giant stone or cement wheel pulled by a horse, donkey, or mule is also used.

While there are over 30 different species of agave plants that can be used to make Mezcal, 90% of all of it, is made from the espadín species of agave. The flavors and aromas can vary depending on the species of agave used, where it was grown, and the production methods used.

It also has a long and rich history in Mexico, dating back to pre-Columbian times. Traditionally, it was used for religious and medicinal purposes and was considered a sacred drink. It was also used as a form of currency in some regions of Mexico.

How is it Different from Tequila?

It also has a distinct flavor profile that sets it apart from tequila. It is known for its smoky, earthy, and vegetal notes, with hints of fruit, citrus, and spice. Some Mezcal has a rich and creamy texture, while others have a light and crisp mouthfeel. If you want to know more about the differences & similarities between Mezcal & Tequila, check out this blog post.

In conclusion, Mezcal is a unique and flavorful spirit made from the heart of the agave plant. Its rich history, traditional production methods, and wide variety of flavors make it a beloved drink among cocktail enthusiasts and tequila lovers alike.

The Problem With Celebrity Tequila Brands…

Why Are There So Many Celebrity Tequila Brands?

From The Rock to George Clooney, LeBron James to Kendall Jenner, and even Guy Fieri, it seems like everyone wants a piece of the tequila pie. Tequila sales worldwide have grown 6% every single year since 2002, reaching an over $4 billion industry in 2020. George Clooney sold his brand, Casamigos, for over $1 billion a couple of years ago. Showing the massive earning potential in this industry and kickstarting this craze. Celebrity tequila is trying to capitalize on that insane growth.

However, I must say that the quality of the product in these celebrity tequila bottles is not as good as other tequilas out there. With a lot of them being guilty of using additives in their products. While some might accuse me of being a hater for trashing almost every single one of these tequilas on my TikTok and YouTube, the problem runs much deeper than just personal dislike for certain celebrities.

Problems With Celebrity Tequila

One major issue with celebrity tequila is cultural appropriation. Take Kendall Jenner, for example, who received backlash for promoting her 818 tequila with a tone-deaf commercial featuring her wearing traditional Mexican clothes. Many argue that she was appropriating Mexican culture to sell her product, despite not having any real connection or ties to the country beyond wanting to make a quick buck from the agave plant.

Connection to Mexico

Additionally, most celebrity-backed brands have almost no connection or ties to Mexico beyond rolling up to one of the few distilleries that make almost all of the celebrity tequila, picking a barrel that slightly tastes different than the other barrel, slapping their name and logo on it, and then selling it at a high premium price to make money off of it.

Environmental Concerns

This not only takes money out of the Mexican economy but also directly contributes to a whole host of other issues in the agave industry, including deforestation and wildlife disturbance. The demand for celebrity tequila has put intense pressure on the industry. It has prompted tequila producers to produce more tequila faster and to make more tequila. To make more tequila they need more farmland, which leads to more deforestation.

Rising Cost of Agave

Furthermore, the pressure to create more tequila has caused a skyrocket in the price of agave. It takes about eight or nine years for agave plants to fully mature before they can be cultivated and turned into tequila. This lengthy and labor-intensive process has been put under immense pressure due to the influx of celebrity brands into the market.

In conclusion, while celebrity tequila might be more accessible and popular than ever before, it comes at a cost to both the Mexican heritage and culture, as well as the environment. While it’s understandable that celebrities want to make money, it’s important to ensure that their product is not only of high quality but also produced in a sustainable and ethical way.

MEZCAL VS TEQUILA – Everything You Need To Know!

Mezcal vs Tequila. What exactly makes these two Incredible Agave Spirits so special and are they the same thing? Both Tequila and Mezcal come from Mexico and while they do come from the same plants, they are quite different both in flavor and the way they are made. In this post, I will go over all of the differences between Tequila and Mezcal, what makes them similar, as well as how they taste and how mezcal is made.

There are a lot of Celebrities who have tequila brands and its become the new hot thing in Hollywood. I actually reviewed The Rock’s Tequila, Teremana, and gave my Honest Thoughts on it.

Tequila and Mezcal are made very similarly, but there a few key differences which make each spirit very unique and make them stand out from one another. Mezcal Cocktails are some of my absolute favorite cocktails, so I really wanted to make this video examining and sharing with you talking about Mezcal and Tequila. We cover mezcal vs tequila taste, origin, process, and how they are made, and more. I really tried to give a comprehensive view of what makes these two spirits so special and why so many people love them.


  • Can be made from 30 different Agave Species
  • Usually made in, but not limited to, the State of Oaxaca, Mexico.
  • Agave is usually cooked in Earthen Pits, leading to the smoky flavor.
  • Can be aged but not very common.


  • Must be made from the Blue Weber Agave
  • Must be made in the State of Jalisco, Mexico. (with a few other small exceptions)
  • Agave is usually cooked in Steam Ovens
  • Tequila can be Aged, with traditional age classifications being:
    • Blanco: unaged
    • Reposado: 2-12 months in oak barrels.
    • Añejo: 1-3 Years in Oak Barrels
    • Extra Añejo: 3+ Years in oak Barrels

Overall, both Mezcal and Tequila are incredible and will forever be intertwined. They are both delicious and very versatile. Both should be treasured for what they are and there are some incredible examples of brands out there doing the right thing.

Mezcal and tequila aren’t the only Mexican spirits out there, There is also Sotol and even Bacanora and Raicilla!

What is Cachaça? The National Spirit of Brazil

Cachaça is the National Spirit of Brazil

Every country or region in the world has its own iconic spirit. Each one with its own unique flavors, traditions, stories, and recipes. Mexico has Tequila, Scotland has Scotch, France has Champagne, and the U.S has Bourbon. In Brazil, Cachaça is king. While not well known throughout the world, in Brazil there are hundreds of thousands of different kinds of this delicious spirit. 


It is a Brazilian distilled spirit made from sugarcane juice and has a flavor reminiscent of Rum but is more vegetal and robust in nature. Rum and Cachaça are actually like “cousins” as they both come from sugar cane. The difference between them is that Cachaça is made from raw sugarcane juice, while Rum is usually made from molasses.

Rum is more well known around the world but Cachaça actually came about first. It’s production dates back to the 1500’s when the Portuguese arrived in Brazil and has been a mainstay in Brazilian culture ever since. Rum was distilled a couple hundred years later in other parts of the Americas, specifically the Caribbean.

How Cachaça is Made

For a really long time here in the United States, anytime you saw a bottle of Cachaça anywhere it was usually labeled as Brazilian rum. Not only is that really misleading but it’s also just wrong. Cachaça and Rum have a similar origin story but they are definitely not the same spirit. Both cachaça and rum both technically come from the same plant, Sugar Cane to be exact, but just in different ways.

Cachaça is a spirit that’s distilled from the freshly pressed sugar cane juice whereas rum is a spirit distilled from molasses. When they make sugar they take sugar cane and press it and refine the juice into those nice white sugar crystals. At the same time that it makes sugar, it also makes molasses as a byproduct. So to make rum they take that molasses and they ferment & distill that. Rum tends to have a little bit more of a perceived sweetness about it, while its Brazilian Cousin is usually more vegetal and grassy in nature.

Taste of Cachaça

Just like with any spirit, the flavor of Cachaça can vary greatly depending on the quality of production. Like any spirit, Cachaça has some iconic cocktail recipes that make great use of its natural flavors. The Caipirinha is the first one that comes to mind, and for very good reason. It is the most well known Brazilian cocktail ever invented! It is drank all over Brazil and has had success across the world. Of course the Caipirinha isn’t the only Cachaça based cocktail, even if it is the most well known and praised.

There are many other fantastic cocktails made with this incredible spirit such as the excellent Batida. I’ve always been fascinated by Cachaça’s versatility. It’s normally compared to Rum due to their shared origin, but with a funkiness not unlike that of Tequila or Mezcal. It can even be aged and treated like a Whiskey.

Yet despite that versatility, many bartenders I’ve met have never even heard of it. Most don’t know what it is or how to use it. Plenty of bars I have worked in simply didn’t carry the spirit at all, and as a Brazilian bartender that never sat well with me.

I want to show that there is a space for Cachaça in the American Cocktail scene. A good Cachaça can stand up to any decent whiskey, tequila or rum and deserves its spot on any bar shelf.