Should You Put Tequila in Your Freezer?

Today, we’re going to dive into the controversial topic of “freezing tequila” or as we should call it instead, Putting Tequila in your freezer. I know it’s a popular practice, and many of you might even have a bottle chilling in your freezer right now. But let’s take a moment to explore the reasoning behind this habit and whether it’s actually doing justice to our beloved agave spirit.

So, why do people freeze tequila?

Well, when you lower the temperature of a spirit like tequila, its viscosity increases, giving it a smoother texture. Imagine sipping on a vodka that has been luxuriating in the frosty depths of your freezer—it glides over your taste buds, coats your mouth, and provides a more pleasant drinking experience. The cold also tends to mellow the burn of harsher spirits like vodka, making them easier to enjoy.

Sounds great, right? But here’s the catch: as the temperature drops, so does the intensity of the aromas and flavors present in tequila. Now, this may not be an issue with vodka since it’s known for its neutrality, but tequila is a different beast altogether. It boasts beautiful aromas and natural flavors that can become muted if subjected to freezing temperatures for too long.

But I can already hear some of you saying, “But I love keeping my Casamigos in the freezer! It makes it so much easier to drink.” You’re not entirely wrong. If you have a low-quality tequila, putting tequila in your freezer it might indeed make it more palatable. Some producers cut corners and use additives, resulting in an inferior product with a synthetic vanilla or cotton candy taste. Freezing masks those unwanted flavors, making it easier to swallow.

However, when you come across a truly well-crafted tequila, it’s a different story.

Tequila, my friends, is an incredibly complex spirit, brimming with an array of tantalizing aromas and flavors. It is meant to be savored at room temperature, allowing you to experience the full spectrum of flavors that the master distillers intended when they created this liquid masterpiece.

Think about it—tequila comes from the agave plant, which takes years to reach maturity. It absorbs incredible flavors from its surroundings, including the terroir and the water source. All that time spent in the ground contributes to the unique character of the spirit. By freezing it, you’re essentially sacrificing those distinct flavors and missing out on the true essence of tequila.

Similar to adding ice cubes, putting tequila in your freezer dulls its flavors and aromas. While it may chill the spirit, it deprives you of the opportunity to savor its rich, robust, agave-forward taste. Unlike whiskey, tequila doesn’t need water to “open up.” It stands proud on its own, showcasing the plant that took years to cultivate. Why would you want to mask that?

But fear not, my fellow tequila enthusiasts! There’s a simple solution for those moments when you crave a quick, high-quality sip. Just reach for that bottle on your shelf, pour it into a glass, and enjoy it at room temperature. No fuss, no hassle—just pure tequila pleasure. Sometimes, all we need is to appreciate the spirit in its purest form, without diluting it or burying it in the freezer.

Now, I understand if you have a bottle of subpar tequila that needs a little help to go down smoothly. But for those who invest in sought-after, high-quality tequilas, ask yourself why you’re purchasing them

Gran Coramino Tequila by Kevin Hart. Is it Worth it?

Hey there, tequila enthusiasts! Today, I’ve got something exciting to share with you: my honest review of Kevin Hart’s Gran Coramino Tequila. Now, we all know Kevin Hart as a hilarious comedian and actor, and he’s decided to dip his toes into the tequila game, just like his buddy The Rock and many other celebrities. But the big question is, does his tequila actually live up to the hype? Well, buckle up, because I’m about to give you the lowdown on Gran Coramino Tequila and whether it’s worth your hard-earned money.

It all started a few months back when I received a surprising DM. To be honest, I was at a loss for words, and the message has been sitting in my inbox ever since. But here I am, with a bottle of Gran Coramino in hand, ready to spill the beans. So, let’s dive into the facts.

Bottle Design:

First impressions matter, right? And I must say, the bottle design of Gran Coramino is pretty impressive. It has this elegant curved shape and minimalist branding that exudes sophistication. I can totally picture it being gracefully brought to your table in the VIP section. Interestingly enough, if it didn’t explicitly say tequila, you might mistake it for a bottle of vodka. But hey, let’s not judge a tequila by its bottle design alone.

Tequila Type:

Now, let’s talk about the type of tequila we’re dealing with here. Gran Coramino is classified as a Reposado Cristalino tequila. Reposado means it has been aged for up to six months in barrels, while Cristalino refers to the tequila being charcoal-filtered to achieve the appearance of an unaged Blanco tequila. I must admit, I’ve never been the biggest fan of Cristalino tequilas. They often seem like a contradiction, stripping away the aging process’s complexity and flavors that took years to develop.


Gran Coramino is produced at NAM 1122 distillery. Now, if you’re not familiar with the distillery numbering system, let me tell you that NAM 1122 isn’t particularly well-regarded among the tequila producers in Mexico. In fact, their most prominent product is Jose Cuervo, which, in my opinion, epitomizes what an awful tequila tastes like. It’s quite surprising that the same people responsible for Jose Cuervo are behind Gran Coramino. And guess what? Gran Coramino doesn’t come with a cheap price tag like its notorious cousin.

Celebrity-Owned Tequila Brands:

Before we get to the taste, let’s take a moment to talk about celebrity-owned tequila brands. It’s no secret that for many celebrities, these ventures are nothing more than cash grabs. I’m a huge fan of Kevin Hart, and I find him hilarious, but let’s face it, this seems like an attempt to follow in The Rock’s footsteps. The Rock’s tequila has been a massive success, and Kevin Hart probably thought, “Hey, I want a piece of that action too!” But does that mean we should automatically jump on the bandwagon? I have my doubts.

Tasting Notes:

Now comes the moment of truth. I took a deep breath, opened the bottle, and let the tequila speak for itself. On the nose, there’s a distinct ethanol scent, along with a hint of agave and a touch of sweetness. Nothing too extraordinary, but not terrible either. But then came the taste… Oh boy, it was not good at all. The predominant flavors I detected were vanilla and cotton candy. It’s advertised as smooth, but honestly, it was just bland and lacked character. Tequila is supposed to have a distinct taste, not try to imitate vodka.

Label Claims and Additives:

Let’s talk about the claims on the label. Smoothness, mellowness, and balance are mentioned as the desired qualities. But here’s the thing – those are not what I look for in a tequila. I want it to have its own unique character, with bold flavors and a delightful agave punch. The label also mentions Eastern European barrels and Californian Cabernet wine barrels, but it doesn’t give any specific details on how these aspects impact the flavor. It feels like they’re just using fancy buzzwords to attract buyers without providing any substantial information.


After trying Gran Coramino Tequila, I have to say, I’m disappointed. The lack of flavor, body, and authenticity left me wanting more. And considering the higher price point compared to other tequilas in its category, I can’t help but feel like I’ve been let down. This review serves as a cautionary tale, reminding us that celebrity-owned tequila brands may not always deliver on their promises. So, before you jump on the celebrity tequila bandwagon, take a moment to consider if it’s really worth it.

Remember, the tequila world is vast and filled with incredible options, crafted by passionate artisans who put their heart and soul into their products. Don’t settle for mediocrity just because of a famous name slapped on a bottle. Cheers, and may your tequila adventures be filled with memorable sips!